Never had Grace considered it might someday become a necessity. It had been a wild concept then, to leave their slowmoving, familiar existence in the country for the bustling, fast-paced pulse of London. “Here we are.” Back when they were mere girls, Viv had first mentioned the notion of moving away from dull Drayton for a far more exciting life in the city. “After so many years of wishing we could be in London.” Her hand caught Grace’s in a quick squeeze. Viv glanced out the window, her gaze skimming the checkerboard of advertisements lining the curved wall. Her friend clicked the top on her lipstick tube closed and gave a freshly applied vermillion smile. “We’ve arrived.” She looked at Viv beside her. Equal parts nerves and eagerness vibrated about inside Grace. Far more sophisticated than in Drayton, Norfolk. They wore smartly cut clothing in the chic styles of city life. People hovered on the platform, as eager to get on as those within were to get off. The train pulled to a stop within Farringdon Station, its name clearly marked on the wall inside a strip of blue set within a red circle. Never did she imagine it would become her only option, especially not on the eve of war. This fresh take on what London endured during WWII should catapult Madeline Martin to the top tier of historical fiction novelists.Grace Bennett had always dreamed of someday living in London. "A love letter to the power of books to unite us, to hold the world together when it's falling apart around our ears. JILLIAN CANTOR, author of In Another Time and Half Life "A gorgeously written story of love, friendship, and survival set against the backdrop of WWII-era London." Through blackouts and air raids as the Blitz intensifies, Grace discovers the power of storytelling to unite her community in ways she never dreamed-a force that triumphs over even the darkest nights of the war.

And she certainly never imagined she'd wind up working at Primrose Hill, a dusty old bookshop nestled in the heart of London. Grace Bennett has always dreamed of moving to the city, but the bunkers and drawn curtains that she finds on her arrival are not what she expected. KIM MICHELE RICHARDSON, author of The Book Woman of Troublesome CreekĪugust 1939: London prepares for war as Hitler's forces sweep across Europe. "An irresistible tale which showcases the transformative power of literacy, reminding us of the hope and sanctuary our neighborhood bookstores offer during the perilous trials of war and unrest."